School Prayers

1. Almighty God, my loving Father, I love You with my whole heart, and above all things . I offer to you today all that I shall think and do and say. Bless me and all I do, teach me to know from all I see and learn. Help me to do only what is right and give me courage to accept and follow the truth.
O Gods, you are Truth and the Origin of knowledge ; bless our studies, which we consecrate to you, enlighten our minds, strengthen our memories, and direct our wills towards what is right. Grant us to seek truth always, and make us truly wise.

2. Loving Father, I thank and praise You, for this new day which you have given me. I pray that it may bring joy to me draw me closer to You and to my companions. Dear Lord! Give me the strength today to work hard. I offer all I do, suffer, think or say. Bless me, my parents, teacher and friends and protect us from all harm and evil. Amen.

3. Loving Father! All though today , make me brave enough to face the things of which I am afraid, strong enough to overcome temptation; persevering enough to finish every task that is given to me to do;
Obedient enough to obey your voice whenever You speak to me
through my Conscience.
Help me to live in purity
To speak the truth
To act in love. Amen

4. Help me, O God to be a good pupil
To study with concentration;
To do my work with diligence and care;
To be obedient and respectful to my teachers
To take part in all the activities of my School
To take full advantage of all the opportunities
Given to me to learn; and to make myself a good and responsible
Citizen of my country.
This I ask for Your love's sake. Amen

5. Heavenly Father! You have given me life, and I know that You want me to make something worthwhile out of it;
To keep my mind keen;
To keep my thoughts pure;
To keep my words clean true. Amen